Heart Beat

this art belongs to Pascal Campion

My phone vibrates. I saw the notification, it was you.


A simple 'hi' that change my day. I stop typing on the keyboard then stare at the phone. After countless days, and finally you text me with 2 letters, H-I.

I am freezing. What should I do?

Should I type 'hi' back, or answer it with longer text like, 'just hi me really?! Don't you miss me?'

But I choose to ignore it. I leave it unread.


Days passed, and the unread message lingered in my notifications like a weight on my conscience. Each time I glanced at my phone, there it was, a constant reminder of the unfinished conversation. But I couldn't bring myself to respond.

I replayed our last encounter in my mind, dissecting every word, every gesture, searching for clues as to why you suddenly reached out. Was it out of genuine interest or just a fleeting impulse? I couldn't shake the uncertainty.

As the days turned into weeks, I found myself grappling with conflicting emotions. Part of me longed to reconnect, to bridge the gap that had formed between us. But another part, a stubborn and prideful part, resisted the urge to give in so easily.

Then, one evening, as I sat alone with my thoughts, a sense of clarity washed over me. I realized that holding onto grudges and pride would only prolong the distance between us. Life was too short for such trivialities.

With a determined sigh, I picked up my phone and unlocked the screen. There, nestled among the sea of notifications, was your message, still unread. Without hesitation, I tapped on it and began to type.

"Hi," I started, keeping it simple yet sincere. "I've been meaning to respond, but I guess I got caught up in my own head. How have you been?"

As I hit send, a wave of relief washed over me. It was a small step, but it felt like the first in a journey toward reconciliation. And whatever the outcome, I knew that I was ready to face it with an open heart.


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