CHAPTER 1: Introduction (part 1)

Ol rite...
Let's we start blogging with this picture. I am sure that all of you know what it is.
It is my favorite animal: giraffe. I was falling in love with this creature when I went to a zoo couple years ago. (Yes, I've never gone to a zoo when I was a child).
I use this picture to define me. Well, eventhough I do not have either long neck nor long legs, but I still want to use this to define me (*pretty stubborn rite?)

Personally, giraffe is exotic; has style, cool; and most of all, it is unique.
while some other creatures has many family, for instance: cats. how many family that cats have? tigers, leopards, lions, cheetahs, a~~~~ lot.
Then compare to giraffe. How many creatures are look like giraffe? a creature with long neck and legs. Correct me if I am wrong. As I know, none is look like lovely giraffe.

The essence that I wanna bring here is being different.
Like giraffe, currently it is categorized as  rare wild animal. But yes, it is still alive and you can find it in the zoo. Being different doesn't mean being dying. Being different is a challenge to show up as a better person. Being different is a change to have more opportunities.
And I am here with my giraffe tell the world that we do exist.


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